Breast cancer and how to prevent it

breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. Knowing the dangers of this disease, women should look for ways to prevent breast cancer.

Breast cancer is very scary. This disease can be caused by many factors such as heredity, environmental factors, and unhealthy lifestyles. To prevent breast cancer, you should regularly check the condition of your breasts by palpating and massaging them. This method is quite effective for detecting the growth of breast cancer cells before they reach an advanced stage. You can also prevent it with the tips described below.

How to Prevent Breast Cancer

Not only by massaging the breast, breast cancer prevention can be done in various other ways, such as the following:

1. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day

Exercise is proven to be beneficial for health, so it is highly recommended to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes a day. Besides being able to make the body always fit, exercise can also reduce the risk of various cancers, one of which can prevent breast cancer.

Thanks to exercise, fat will not accumulate in the body so that excess production of the hormone estrogen does not occur. As you know that breast cancer cells exposed to estrogen will increase the risk of breast cancer. For that, try to exercise at least 30 minutes regularly every day.

2. Quit smoking

For those of you who like to smoke, from now on stop the habit. As we all know that smoking is not good for health.

There are various types of diseases that will stalk you if you still smoke often. One of these diseases is breast cancer. Even for those who are not smokers or passive smokers, you should avoid cigarette smoke that is often found in public environments.

For you smokers, the right way to prevent breast cancer is to stop smoking cigarettes altogether and avoid cigarette smoke.

3. Consume fruits and vegetables regularly

There are many nutrients and vitamins stored in fruits and vegetables, so these foods are highly recommended to be consumed regularly every day. Fruits and vegetables can keep the body healthy and fit.

Not only beneficial in weight loss, these two types of food can also prevent breast cancer. For that, from now on multiply eating fruits and vegetables rather than eating other unhealthy foods.

4. Consumption of soy products

Based on one extensive study over the last 25 years, soybeans have been identified as a very healthful food source, as they are rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, and low in carbohydrates.

Besides being able to prevent breast cancer, soybeans are also said to reduce bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

In addition to whole soybeans, you can consume soybeans in processed forms, such as tofu, tempeh, and soy milk.

5. Dietary fiber intake

Although research on dietary fiber and its effect on breast cancer is currently inconclusive, several studies have shown that dietary fiber can help prevent disease, one of which is preventing breast cancer. Because fiber aids the digestive system and regular elimination of waste, it helps the body get rid of toxins and limit damage.

Eating whole grains and nuts also contains antioxidants, which can help prevent many diseases. Eating more fiber-rich legumes, such as lentils, may also prevent breast cancer.

The Ida Cancer Center & Joseph Friend recommend 30 to 45 grams of fiber per day.

6. Avoid alcohol

Quitting alcohol addiction is the right way to prevent breast cancer. Research has identified a link between drinking alcohol regularly and an increased risk of breast cancer. reports that alcohol can increase estrogen levels and cause DNA damage to cells. Women who drank alcoholic beverages three times per week increased their risk of developing breast cancer by 15 percent. The risk will increase by about 10 percent in women who drink every day.

7. Reduce sugar intake

Researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have found that when mice eat a diet high in sugar, they are more likely to develop mammary gland tumors, similar to breast cancer in humans. In addition, these tumors are more likely to spread or metastasize.

Although research is still limited to animals, there is no harm in preventing breast cancer by reducing sugar intake. These tips can also prevent an increase in blood sugar or diabetes.

8. Avoid bad fats

Studies show that not all fats are bad for health. So how do you tell the difference between bad fat and good fat?

You can get good fats from several foods such as vegetables and fruits. Both types of food are useful in reducing breast cancer.

While bad fats or also called trans fats are commonly found in fried foods, biscuits, donuts, and pastries. As the name suggests, these bad fats have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and should be avoided.

9. Knowing the history of parents

Women who have a family history of breast cancer can take special steps to prevent breast cancer, so it's important to know your family history.

You may be at increased risk for breast cancer if you have a mother or sister who had breast or ovarian cancer (especially at an early age) or if you have multiple family members (including men) who developed breast, ovarian or prostate cancer.

You can seek the help of a doctor or genetic counselor to help you understand your family history.

10. Avoid eating red meat

While research is still ongoing, several studies have found a link between red meat and a greater chance of breast cancer, especially if the meat is well-cooked or relatively dry.

In addition, processed and frozen meats tend to be high in fat, salt, and preservatives.

11. Taking drugs

Women who have a higher risk of breast cancer may consider taking certain medications to help prevent breast cancer.

This prevention can also be called “chemoprevention.” For breast cancer, this is the use of hormone-blocking drugs to reduce the risk of cancer. Drugs such as tamoxifen (Soltamox) and raloxifene (Evista), are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lower breast cancer risk. These drugs are called selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and are not chemotherapy. SERMs are drugs that stop estrogen receptors in some tissues and not others.

Both women who have gone through menopause and those who have never used tamoxifen. Raloxifene is only approved for women who have gone through menopause. Each drug also has different side effects. Consult with your doctor first about whether you benefit from these drugs.

Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) have also been shown to prevent breast cancer. AIs are a type of hormone blocking treatment that reduces the amount of estrogen in a woman's body by stopping tissues and organs other than the ovaries from producing estrogen.

The drug can only be used by women who have gone through menopause. However, no AIs have been approved by the FDA to lower the risk of breast cancer in women who do not have the disease.

While other drugs being considered for breast cancer prevention include statins, which lower cholesterol, and metformin (several brand names), a drug commonly used for diabetes.

12. Surgery

The next way to prevent breast cancer is surgery or surgery. For women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutation, which substantially increases the risk of breast cancer, preventive breast removal may be considered. This procedure is called a prophylactic mastectomy, which may reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 95%.

Women with this mutation should also consider having the ovaries and fallopian tubes removed, which is called a prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy.

The procedure can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer, as well as breast cancer, by stopping the ovaries from producing estrogen.

Consult with your doctor first about possible physical and emotional side effects when considering a surgical procedure.


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