Characteristics of a healthy penis

Characteristics of a healthy penis

Many men, maybe you are one of them, finally come to a question that reads as follows: "Is my penis healthy?". Yes, as a sexual organ and reproductive organ, the penis is a part of the body that gets special attention from the 'owner'. This is because the penis is related to a man's self-esteem. So, what are the characteristics of a healthy penis? Check out the following review!

The characteristics of a healthy penis, like what?

The penis is an organ that has a vital role. How come? The penis serves as a urinary tract, and most importantly, it is a reproductive organ. Therefore, men should pay attention to the health of their penis so that unwanted things do not happen.

There are a number of yardsticks to describe what a healthy penis looks like. Want to know what are the characteristics of a healthy penis? This is the information.

1. Penis Size

Penis size is often a 'scourge' for men. Many men are not confident with the size of their penis and believe that the bigger the penis, the more 'great' they will perform in bed. This is what then makes a number of men willing to do various ways to have a large penis size, according to them.

In fact, penis size is not always a measure of male strength. From the survey results, 85 percent of women feel satisfied with the size of their partner's penis, because satisfaction in sex is influenced by many factors, not just penis size.

After all, as long as your penis measures 5-10 cm when 'sleeping', and 12-19 cm when erect, this is quite normal and is indeed the average size of an adult penis, especially in Indonesia. That means, your penis meets one of the requirements for a healthy penis.

When you are in a cold place, then you find the penis shriveled, this is also a normal thing so there is no need to worry.

However, unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages have the potential to cause a decrease in penis size, about 1-2 cm. The reason, these two activities can trigger the buildup of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis), thereby inhibiting blood flow to the penis when you want an erection. Therefore, avoid these bad habits, yes.

In addition to the penis itself, the size of the scrotum or testicles also often makes men worried. The testicles are generally the same size, but in some people, the size of the testicles can be different from each other, as well as the location of one testicle that is higher than the other. However, this is also quite natural and not a dangerous condition.

2. Penis Shape

The characteristics of a healthy penis shape can also be seen from its shape. In general, the penis has a curved shape, especially when the penis is erect. The curvature of the penis can be to the right or left. You don't need to worry because this condition is normal.

Except, if the curvature of the penis exceeds 15 degrees, this can be a sign that the penis has plaque buildup, which is then known as Peyronie's disease. This condition certainly requires medical treatment to cure it, although the healing process is relatively light.

3. Penis Texture

In general, the texture of the penis is not really smooth. If you see blood vessels from your penis, which are more clearly visible during an erection, as well as small bumps due to hair follicles or small warts called pearly penile papsules (PPP), then this is a normal condition and nothing to worry about.

Especially for PPP, these warts have a smooth texture and are usually located on the head of the penis. PPP appears when a man enters adolescence and grows up. These warts are not dangerous, nor are they contagious. As many as 25 percent of the total male population in the world have PPH on their penis.

Meanwhile, on the penis there may also be lumps of the same color as the skin of the penis (can also be red) called Fordyce spots. This condition is experienced by about 50 percent of all men with healthy penises. Just like PPP, Fordyce spots are also not a dangerous thing and do not require medical treatment to treat them.

4. Penis Color

Color can also be an indicator of a healthy penis. Generally, a man has a penis color that is the same as the color of his body skin as a whole, or it can be a color of the penis a level or two darker, lighter, or more reddish than the skin of the body.

However, in some cases, the penis may be bruised, causing the penis to turn purple or dark blue in color. This condition is generally caused by an injury to the penis, and must be treated immediately so that the condition does not get worse and can lead to sexual dysfunction.

Immediately consult a doctor if you experience changes in the color of the penis that occur suddenly, and are accompanied by pain and swelling.

5. Penis Erection

Penis that can be stretched or erect is the most easily recognized, even most important, characteristics of a healthy penis. This indicates that the blood flow to the penis is running smoothly. An erection of the penis occurs when a man gets sexual stimulation, either from his partner or independent stimulation when masturbating or viewing sexually nuanced content.

However, erectile dysfunction or the inability of the penis to stretch is also one of the common problems experienced by many men. Information compiled from The National Institute of Health states that erectile dysfunction is common in men aged 40 years (5 percent) and 65 years (15-25 percent). Erectile dysfunction is triggered by a variety of factors, but most commonly include:

• Smoking

• Consumption of drugs or alcohol

• Stress

• Fatigue

• Diabetes

• High blood pressure (diabetes)

• Hormonal disorders

• Heart disease

Also keep in mind, an erect penis in the morning when you just wake up is also a sign that the penis is healthy, even very healthy. Therefore, you should not worry about this condition, yes.

6. Ejaculation

Talking about the characteristics of a healthy penis also cannot be separated from the process of releasing semen through this sexual organ, otherwise known as ejaculation.

Ideally, men will ejaculate with the volume of semen that is sprayed less or the equivalent of 1 (one) teaspoon. The semen that is released generally has a thick texture and is milky white or slightly yellowish in color. However, the consistency of the texture of semen when excreted can be different, and this is influenced by a number of factors, such as food, frequency of ejaculation, to the stimulation received.

It should be underlined, if ejaculation is accompanied by pain, or even you cannot ejaculate at all, immediately visit a doctor for further examination.

7. Penis Sensitivity

With age, there is a decline in body functions, including the penis. Specifically for the penis, the decrease in question is a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis to the stimuli it receives.

This condition of decreased penile sensitivity is caused by a decrease in the amount of testosterone produced, as well as androgen receptors. The age of 25 years is the starting point where a decrease in penile sensitivity begins to occur, and reaches its peak when entering the age of 65 years and over

How to Maintain Penis Health

Given the very vital function of the penis, you men are obliged to maintain the health of the penis so that it is always in good condition. Some of the ways that can be done regarding penis care are:

• Circumcision

• Erection regularly

• Wash the penis, especially the urethral opening, after every urination

• Avoid cleaning the penis using a lot of soap

• Clean the testicles (scrotum)

• Eat nutritious food

• Stay away from cigarettes, narcotics and alcohol

• Regular exercise

• Enough rest

• Practice safe sex

That's the information about a healthy penis that is very important for you, men, to know. May be useful!

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