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4 Top Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character

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Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character


4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character
4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character

In childhood, parenting is one of the basic needs that you parents must meet. As stated by IDAI (Indonesian Pediatrician Association), there are three basic needs of children, namely Asah, Asih, Asuh.

Sharpening is stimulation, compassion is an emotional and loving need, and nurturing is a child's physical need. Parenting styles of course also must include the basic needs of children so that in the process of development, they do not experience obstacles and behavior or character problems.


Types of Parenting and Their Impact

Good parenting should support healthy mental, social and psychological development. These three things play a role in shaping the character of children when they grow up.

In the world of psychology, there are four types of parenting. Each of them has a different impact on the character of the child. Most parents will adopt one parenting style that seems more dominant than the other.


1. Authoritarian Parenting

4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character
4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character


This first type of parenting makes parents as the highest authority (authoritarian) and dominates in parenting.

Authoritarian characteristics, namely stiff, firm, applying punishment if it is not according to the rules. Parents tend to always be right in expressing their opinions. This parenting style will form a child with a disciplined and obedient character.

But unfortunately, authoritarian parents often use the phrase "the main thing" when expressing their opinions, without caring or hearing the opinions and desires of their children. This can make children unaccustomed to making their own decisions and afraid if they don't obey what their parents say.

In addition, children who are accustomed to authoritarian parenting often find it difficult to express their opinions, resulting in anxiety problems that can cause stress.

The impact of authoritarian parenting on other children's development, which can make children's emotions explode, poor interpersonal relationships (with other people), and tend to be authoritarian in the future.


2. Permissive Parenting

4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character
4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character


Permissive parenting is 180 degrees opposite of authoritarian parenting. This pattern is known as the characteristic of pampering children or "all-okay". Permissive parents become good friends for their children because they provide good enough attention, warmth, and interaction.

Another characteristic of this parenting style is that parents always encourage their children to act freely, at will, realize what the children want, and do not impose restrictions on the child so that they rarely discipline.

Children who grow up with permissive parenting do grow creatively because they are used to being free to express themselves. However, in the long run, children become confused because they are not used to the existing boundaries.

This can make it difficult for children to adapt to the environment, be selfish, demanding, tend to rebel, and lack motivation to learn.


3. Ignorant upbringing

4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character
4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character


Indifferent or neglectful parenting often occurs in parents who are too busy or have personal problems, such as financial problems, addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling.

In this type of parenting, parents only fulfill the child's basic physical needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Meanwhile, psychological and emotional needs are rarely met because parents do not care and rarely interact with their children.

In this parenting style, it is not uncommon for children to be educated more by gadgets, television, or video games.

As a child, maybe children are not aware of their parents' indifference. However, children gradually become aware that they are not important in the lives of their parents so they tend to be independent children.

This is not entirely good because children who grow up with indifferent parenting tend to cause problems later in life, poor academic grades, uncontrolled emotions, and difficulty establishing relationships and communication.


4. Democratic Parenting

4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character
4 Top  Types of Parenting and Their Impact on Children's Character


Democratic parenting is the best parenting style. This is supported by research from UGM which proves that democratic parenting can prevent children from having personality problems. You could say democratic parenting is a combination of authoritarian and permissive parenting.

Children are given consistent limits and consequences when those boundaries are violated. The purpose of limits and consequences is explained to the child so that communication is also maintained properly.

Beyond that, parents still provide praise, emotional support, and rewards if the child can achieve an achievement. Communication between parents and children is well established so that children are also honest, but still obedient.

This parenting style makes children have a balanced personality, independent in making decisions, be disciplined by having good communication, have self-confidence, are creative, and are psychologically happy. These characteristics are believed to be the key to a child's success in the future.

If you have questions about parenting or other health information, you can consult with your private docter. May be useful!



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