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Incredible - Health benefits that can be obtained from eating bananas

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benefits of banana

health and lifestyle – One of the easiest fruits to get in Indonesia is bananas. You don't have to buy it at a fruit shop, many people can even easily get it in gardens or yards close to their homes. In addition to its sweet and filling taste, health experts call bananas one of the fruits that can provide enormous health benefits for the body.

Incredible - Health benefits that can be obtained from eating bananas

Remember monkey? Definitely remember bananas!

Bananas contain lots of healthy nutrients such as potassium, potassium, fiber, iron, magnesium, and various vitamins. This makes it included in the list of superfoods that are rich in health benefits.

The following are various health benefits that can be obtained if we are diligent in eating bananas.

1. Good for brain health

As mentioned earlier, bananas are high in potassium. This content is very good for brain health, especially in increasing its function. We will also be better at thinking, concentrating, and remembering.

In addition, bananas are also high in magnesium content. This content can make brain function increase because it will make the cells between the brain can send signals to each other better. Magnesium will also ensure n-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors which can make brain development in children more optimal. This will also make learning abilities and memory increase drastically.

2. Energy provider

Bananas contain natural sugar and fiber which can make the body more energetic. This means, if we eat it as a snack or when we feel hungry, it will make the body become energetic again to do various things.

A study proves that eating two bananas can provide enough energy for the body to walk within 90 minutes. This means, the energy provided by this fruit is quite large.

3. Streamlining the digestive tract

Bananas are high in fiber content. This content is widely known to be good for digestive health because it can prevent constipation, bloating, and other digestive disorders. The type of fiber in bananas is pectin fiber which can also reduce the risk of colon cancer significantly.

4. Control blood sugar levels

Although it has a sweet taste, bananas will actually help control blood sugar levels to stay balanced. This is due to the presence of pectin fiber which can help the body carry out this function. In addition, eating bananas as a snack, instead of other unhealthy snacks, will keep your calorie and sugar intake from being excessive.

The American Diabetic Association says that regular consumption of bananas can help prevent diabetes effectively.

5. High content of antioxidants

Bananas are very high in antioxidants. Not only will it make the immune system stronger and fight the bad exposure of free radicals, health experts say this antioxidant can increase the production of the hormone dopamine and catechins that can prevent stress and inflammation.

6. Good for diet

Bananas contain resistant starch, which can keep your stomach full for a long time. This means that eating bananas as part of your daily diet or snack can help you lose weight.

7. Overcoming stress

The content of the amino acid tryptophan and vitamin B6 can stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin in the body which relieves stress, improves mood, relaxes the mind and body, and ultimately results in a happier sensation.

4 Post a Comment:

  1. Memang luar biasa si kuning kecil tersebut, manfaat dan khasiat nya sungguh sangat luar biasa

  2. ya betul sekali mbak, memang si kecil kuning tersebut mempunyai kandungan vitamin yang sangat bagus,, coba saja pasti banyak manfaatnya

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