Vaginal Agnesia – disorders of the female genital organs


Vaginal Agenisis

Vaginal Agnesia – disorders of the female genital organs

It turns out that not all women are born with perfect genital organs. This abnormality is known as vaginal agenesis. Have you or a family member experienced Vaginal Agenesis?

Read the information on Vaginal Agenesis to discover what Vaginal Agenesis is, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, complications, and treatment of Vaginal Agenesis.

What is Vaginal Agenesis?

Vaginal agenesis is an inherited disorder in which a woman does not have a vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Patients with Vaginal Agenesis may have these genital organs but are less than perfect.

This congenital anomaly is a rare inherited disorder and is not associated with any race. The prevalence of Vaginal Agenesis is 1:5000. As a congenital disorder, of course, Vaginal Agenesis occurs when a person is still in his mother's womb.

At that time, the development of the genital organs is less than perfect or fails. Imperfections in this development result in one or more of the genital organs not being formed at all or less than perfect.

However, as long as the woman still has healthy ovaries, then she does not experience secondary sexual development disorders and is still likely to have children even with IVF.

Vaginal agenesis is often associated with the kidneys, bones, and heart. People who experience vaginal agenesis usually also have abnormalities in the kidneys, bones, and heart. Vaginal agenesis is also known by other terms, namely Mullerian Aplasia or Mayer-Rokitansky Syndrome, or Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome.

Causes of Vaginal Agenesis

The cause of vaginal agenesis is still unclear. However, scientists suspect this to happen that at a certain time when the gestational age enters the 20th week, the development of the Müllerian tract is not developing properly. As a result, the vagina or uterus fails to form or does not form completely.

Apart from the presence of imperfect fetal development factors, the incidence of Vaginal Agenesis is also associated with several other congenital disorders, such as Mayer-von Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser's Syndrome, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), and Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis.

Can vaginal agenesis be inherited?

There is little evidence that vaginal agenesis is heritable. Although this disorder includes inherited disorders that occur genetically, but a family history of experiencing vaginal agenesis is not a risk factor for this disorder.

Symptoms of Vaginal Agenesis

There are several symptoms of Vaginal Agenesis that can be seen. There are symptoms that can be seen from birth and some are only seen when entering the teenage phase.

Following are some of the signs and symptoms of Vaginal Agenesis:

1. No vaginal opening

Patients with Vaginal Agenesis who do not have a vagina will have symptoms in the form of not seeing the vaginal opening.

2. Primary amenorrhea

Signs and symptoms of vaginal agenesis are often only discovered when the girl reaches her teenage years and has not yet had her period (because she doesn't have a uterus) even though her peers are already menstruating.

3. Severe menstrual pain

Women who experience vaginal agenesis may experience menstrual periods. However, there are some inconveniences that will be experienced. Some women with vaginal agenesis will experience severe menstrual pain.

Severe menstrual pain can include uterine cramps, abdominal pain, and difficulty moving. The severe pain is caused by a buildup of blocked menstrual flow due to the absence of a vagina.

When should you go to the doctor?

Symptoms in the form of the absence of a vaginal opening can be known by a doctor from birth. However, if you have a vaginal opening but haven't had a menstrual period until you are 15 years old or when that age is experiencing severe menstrual pain, then you can see a doctor for further evaluation.

Diagnosis of Vaginal Agenesis

The diagnosis of Vaginal Agenesis depends on the age and condition of the patient. If the symptom of Vaginal Agenesis is the absence of a vaginal opening, then the doctor simply sees the condition of the baby girl's vaginal opening.

However, if the patient's age has reached the teenage phase, then there are several other diagnostic measures. The first step the doctor will take is to collect information on your medical history and perform a physical examination regarding the symptoms you are experiencing.

The following are some examinations that need to be carried out by patients with Vaginal Agenesis who have entered their teens:

1. Kidney examination – to find out the conditions and abnormalities that arise

2. Examination of secondary sex signs – breast development, pubic hair, armpit hair

3. Blood test – to look at the chromosomes and measure hormone levels in order to rule out possibilities other than Vaginal Agenesis

4. Ultrasound – to see the condition of the patient's uterus and ovaries

5. MRI – to get a clearer visualization of the patient's reproductive system and kidneys

Complications of Vaginal Agenesis

Complications that occur in the condition of Vaginal Agenesis vary depending on the patient's condition. Following are some of the complications of Vaginal Agenesis:

1. Can't get pregnant (if the ovaries and uterus are disturbed)

2. Can not have children (if the ovaries are disturbed)

Vaginal Agenesis Treatment

Vaginal Agenesis Treatment is mostly done in cases where a woman does not have a vagina or is less than perfect.

The following are some ways to treat Vaginal Agenesis if the problem lies in the vaginal opening:

1. Self-dilation

Your doctor will recommend dilating (widening) the vagina without surgery. You will be asked to press the dilator against the vaginal skin for 30 minutes to 2 hours a day. It may take up to several months to get the right results.

2. Dilation through intercourse

In addition to using a dilator (a special widening device), widening the vaginal opening can also be done through sexual intercourse. This is done in patients who already have a partner.

3. Operation

If efforts to widen the vagina either with dilators or sexual intercourse are not successful, then the treatment of vaginal agenesis is carried out by taking surgery. The operation performed is Vaginoplasty to create a vagina.

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