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Foods with high potassium content

Konten [Tampil]
food with potassium

Definition of Potassium

Potassium is one of the important minerals needed by our body. With the right intake of potassium, our body will avoid various kinds of diseases.

Potassium  plays a role in maintaining the balance of body fluids, breaking down and utilizing carbohydrates, and building protein. This mineral also functions to build muscle, maintain normal body growth, control the body's acid-base balance and electrical activity in the nerves and heart

Nutrients needed by the body are not only protein, fat, and carbohydrates that supply energy every day. You are also advised to eat foods that are high in potassium. The content of minerals and vitamins can help the performance of the body's organs.

Foods with high potassium content

So far we already know that bananas contain high potassium. In addition to these fruits, there are several foods that contain high potassium, namely:

1. Potato

Potatoes are a great source of potassium. You are advised to eat tomatoes in sufficient quantities every day. For example, in one day you eat 1-2 servings of potatoes as a substitute for carbohydrates. One serving of potatoes will provide about 941 mg of potassium. Avoid adding salt and frying while processing.

2. Green vegetables

Green vegetables contain enough nutrients for the body, Consuming green vegetables will supply enough fiber and protein. Furthermore, some types of green vegetables also contain potassium which is quite a lot. For example, one dose of spinach contains about 838 mg of potassium.

3. Lentils

Lentils are one of the most reliable protein substitutes. By eating lentils, you will also get a good supply of fiber. Eating lentils can also help the body in reducing excessive salt levels. One serving of lentils contains about 731 mg of potassium.

4. Tomato juice

Tomato or tomato juice in puree form contains a lot of potassium. You can make your own tomato juice or buy it packaged. In half a bowl of tomato juice contains about 500 mg of potassium which helps the body regulate water and salt.

5. Certain vegetables and fruits

Some types of fruit and vegetables also offer high amounts of potassium. These fruits and vegetables can be in the form of fresh juice or in cans. Passion fruit contains 687 mg of potassium, oranges contain 496 mg, and carrots contain 689 mg.

6. Peas

Some types of peas contain quite a lot of potassium per serving. The average potassium that will be obtained is around 354-612 mg. You can process it into anything, including steamed or pureed.

7. Raisins

About half a cup of raisins contains 618 mg of potassium. You can consume raisins directly or mixed with other ingredients to make cakes.

8. Yogurt

One serving of natural yogurt without any mixture contains about 579 mg of potassium. In addition, yogurt also contains quite a lot of calcium which is good for bones and probiotics which are good for stomach health.

9. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are the same as potatoes, except that they contain more beta-carotene. Its sweet and delicious taste makes it easy for you to process it into anything except fried in a lot of oil.

10. Seafood

There are several types of seafood that contain quite a lot of potassium. In addition to potassium which is good for blood circulation, there is also omega-3 content which is good for the brain and protein for muscles. Regularly eating seafood can make us healthier.

Some types of seafood with high potassium per serving are mackerel, halibut, and salmon.

Benefits of potassium for the body

In addition to those mentioned above, potassium also has many other benefits for the body. Here are some of the health benefits of potassium (potassium):

1. Lowering high blood pressure

Taking potassium supplements is thought to be able to lower blood pressure, especially for those who eat foods with high salt content. Not only that, eating foods that contain potassium is also thought to help prevent high blood pressure.

2. Lowers the risk of heart disease

Eating potassium-rich foods every day is very important to keep the heart rate stable. The state of hypokalemia, in which the patient lacks potassium content in the body, is thought to play a role in the occurrence of death due to arrhythmias.

The risk of death from arrhythmias will be higher in people who already have heart problems before. In addition, potassium foods are also thought to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

3. Lower the risk of stroke

Eating foods containing potassium is thought to be beneficial in helping reduce the risk of stroke by up to 20%, especially ischemic stroke (stroke due to a blood clot that clogs blood vessels).

4. Maintain bone health

Studies show that eating potassium-rich foods is thought to prevent osteoporosis, especially among elderly women.

Potassium is believed to increase bone density and reduce the excretion of calcium through the urine. However, further research is needed to support this statement.

5. Lowers the risk of diabetes

According to research, lack of potassium intake in the body is thought to increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. However, further evidence and studies are still needed to support this statement.

6. Prevent kidney stones

Eating foods containing potassium is thought to reduce calcium levels in the urine. Excess calcium in the urine is the most common cause of calcium kidney stones.

Other Potassium Source Foods

You can get the various benefits of potassium by eating several types of foods, such as apricots, raisins, potatoes, kidney beans, oranges, soybeans, bananas, milk, spinach, chicken breast, yogurt, beef, tomatoes, broccoli, apples, cashews. , black tea and eggs.

But be careful, do not get too much or too little in consuming potassium. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia recommends a potassium intake of at least 4,700 to 5,300 mg per day.

Excessive consumption of potassium can trigger abnormal heart rate, worsening kidney function, and severe infections. While a lack of potassium can cause muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea, or kidney problems.

Potassium is important for the body, but don't forget to keep your intake of other nutrients in balance and provide the maximum benefit to the body. Don't hesitate to talk to a nutritionist about the benefits of potassium and how to get it optimally.

Those are some foods that contain high potassium and also the benefits of potassium for health. By the way, which one do you like?


1 Post a Comment:

  1. Potassium is one of the important minerals needed by our body.


thank you for your input and suggestions.

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