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How to Overcome Flatulence in Babies

Konten [Tampil]

How to Overcome Flatulence in Babies

You can find out the cause of flatulence in your baby. Under normal circumstances, the stomach does contain air, but not in excess so that the air content will return to normal in the stomach when your baby has passed gas. However, there are several conditions that cause additional air in the baby's stomach resulting in a bloated baby's stomach such as a lack of proper nutrition for your baby, is experiencing respiratory problems such as shortness of breath so that more air enters the stomach than normal, a baby who is not can tolerate lactose in formula milk so that most of the content of lactose can cause gas in the intestines or disturbances in the passage (travel of food) in infants who have received complementary foods for breast milk.



For you to detect a baby who has a flatulence, it can be seen from the stomach which is bigger than usual, your baby is restless and crying continuously, under certain conditions he is pulling his legs to the stomach, you can also do a gentle tap on the baby's stomach to see changes from the normal state. Flatulence in babies can result in uncomfortable conditions that can result in your baby crying more often. However, you don't need to panic. The baby's flatulence can be treated at home in the following ways:


1. Gently pat the baby's back

In infants under 6 months old, breastfeeding is the main nutrition so they consume milk more often. You need to gently pat the baby's back while holding him. You can do this for one to two minutes until the baby burps. The bloating starts to decrease when the baby burps.



2. Rubbing the baby's stomach

To deal with a bloated baby's stomach, you can gently rub the baby's stomach, use telon oil to provide warmth to parts of his body. This step can overcome flatulence in children.



3. Give warm water

When the baby's stomach is bloated, you can give him a little warm water to drink. Apart from that, you also have to use warm water to bathe your baby. This step can restore the baby's flatulence.


4. Be wary of formula milk

You need to be wary of formula milk which can make some babies' stomachs bloated. You need to observe whether your baby has flatulence after drinking formula milk. For some time avoiding formula milk is the best way.



5. Do exercises for your baby

You need to let the baby exercise. One of the exercises that can be implemented by holding his feet and then moving slowly. This step can increase bowel movements and make it easier for the baby to pass gas.



6. Let your baby be active

You can fill the time with your baby to play, you need to involve the baby in fun activities to help the baby expel the gad in his stomach. Active body movements can help babies to get rid of gas through burps.


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