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Exercise Tips For Young Pregnant

Konten [Tampil]

ExerciseTips For Young Pregnant


Even if you feel uncomfortable, don't let you dissolve in this condition. You have to keep eating to get nutrition and nutrition for the mother and fetus. If you are negligent in maintaining the condition of your body and fetus, you will not directly affect your health and that of the fetus in the womb.



Complaints Experienced During Young Pregnancy


Due to hormonal changes in the body, pregnant women feel tired easily. So don't overdo it. For example, if before pregnancy the pregnant woman's daily life was filled with light activities, for example, working indoors. So, when pregnant women do not do activities that are too strenuous, requiring excessive muscle work such as field work



In this article, we will discuss various complaints that are often felt by pregnant women, as follows:


1. Nausea, vomiting and no appetite

Emesis gravidarum (nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy) generally occurs in women who are pregnant. HCG hormone activity which has a role to help pregnant women maintain pregnancy until the function of the placenta is perfect, causing nausea, vomiting and no appetite. Complaints of nausea, vomiting and no appetite will improve when pregnant women enter 16 weeks of gestation.



2. Chills, not feeling well

When a pregnant woman enters the 2nd trimester, she will often feel feverish and not feeling well. An increase in the amount of blood flow to the surface of the skin is caused by hormonal changes, causing an uncomfortable feeling of fever.



3. Hot or sultry

This is often felt when entering the third trimester. Pregnant women will continue to feel hot and sweaty. Try to wear clothes that are loose and absorb sweat easily.



4. Cravings

There is nothing wrong with fulfilling a pregnant woman's cravings, as long as what she craves is food that is not only delicious, but also healthy and beneficial.



5. Suddenly angry, upset, or sad

Mood changes are often experienced by pregnant women during their pregnancy. These changes cause mixed feelings from a pregnant woman towards her pregnancy. Sometimes feelings like this are also expressed in the closest people (husband and family members).



6. Leucorrhoea

Although it is often experienced by pregnant women, they must be vigilant. But all vaginal discharge must be watched out for, especially even if it is not accompanied by itching and odor. Sometimes vaginal discharge causes an infection that can lead to premature rupture of the membranes and preterm labor.



7. Out of fluid in the mammary glands

Liquid (breast milk) is colostrum which is needed by babies. New colostrum comes out when you reach 32 weeks of gestation, but sometimes some new comes out after delivery. Complaints experienced during pregnancy are mostly caused by body changes during pregnancy.



8. Frequent urination

The occurrence of this complaint is due to pressure on the bladder by the baby's head or buttocks. This is normal and can be felt in pregnancies less than 16 weeks and in pregnancies over 32 weeks. You need to be careful when you urinate accompanied by a feeling of incomplete urination, burning / burning sensation in the urethra, feeling lower abdominal pain, chills and low back pain. It may turn out that pregnant women have urinary tract infections.



9. Cramps or tightness in the stomach

Sometimes these contractions will disappear when pregnant women take a walk. You have to be careful if these contractions occur frequently and are accompanied by blood or water coming out of the birth canal. It is possible that this is a sign that labor has begun.



10. Bloating and difficulty defecating

Sometimes this can trigger a lazy pregnant woman to eat a lot. This can also cause slow bowel movements. Slow bowel movement can cause gastric emptying disorders


You have to be careful when you feel excessive bloating, gas and nausea in the second and third trimesters, because it can be a symptom of hepatitis, heartburn and problems with the bile.


Benefits and the right type of exercise for pregnant women


1. Kegel exercises

This exercise has many benefits for pregnant women. Kegel exercises besides being able to maintain the ideal body weight for pregnant women, this exercise can also reduce pain due to body changes, and expedite the birth process of the baby. Get used to doing Kegel exercises at an early gestational age, because this will give optimal results.



2. Pilates gymnastics

Just like Kegel exercises, this exercise is useful for strengthening muscles and preventing pain. It is recommended to ask the coach to become a gymnastic instructor. Because this exercise requires basic training first.



3. Stretching

Pregnant women can reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and reduce the risk of irritation in pregnancy by stretching. This sport can also be combined with other sports (as a warm-up) before exercising. Stretching is very good to do in the first trimester of pregnancy.



4. Light aerobics

Aerobics is indeed quite beneficial for pregnant women, because it can help nourish the heart, prevent hemorrhoids and increase oxygen levels. However, it is better before doing aerobic exercise, consult your doctor first, is it safe for your womb to do light aerobics.



5. Yoga

This type of exercise is good to do from a young pregnancy and as the gestational age increases. Relaxation techniques in yoga exercises have good benefits for preparing for normal childbirth. Not only healthy, but yoga exercises can also give peace to pregnant women.



6. Swim

This is one of the best exercises that pregnant women can do. Swimming can reduce the pressure on the back and legs of pregnant women who get tired easily. In addition, this exercise is also beneficial for the whole body without making pregnant women feel tired. If you get tired, start by just floating in the water.



Those are some of the benefits and types of exercise that pregnant women can try. Every pregnant woman has different conditions for pregnancy and health. So it is advised that before doing the type of exercise chosen by pregnant women, consult a doctor.


It is recommended that pregnant women should take the time to exercise so that their body fitness is maintained. Of course, with sports that are in accordance with the condition of the mother's pregnancy. Besides being fun, this activity can be done alone at home or in another place such as a sports arena, or at a training center.


In addition to the changes experienced by pregnant women, you should often consult with your doctor about the best exercise according to the condition of the pregnant woman, not the type of exercise that cannot be done for pregnant women. Every pregnant woman has different conditions for their pregnancy and health, so pay attention to the condition of your body and fetus. Do not do excessive activity or exercise, because this poses a risk to your fetus.


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