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Habits that can damage the brain

Konten [Tampil]


habist can damage

Sehat Selalu - Our brains work hard every day. In fact, when we sleep, the brain is also still active to ensure various systems run smoothly. The problem is that we sometimes engage in various activities that can make the brain more susceptible to damage. What are the activities that can trigger these health impacts?

Habits that can damage the brain

Some activities that we often do can actually affect the condition of our brain. The problem is that these activities tend to be considered trivial and normal for us to do every day.

Here are some activities or habits that can damage the brain:

1. Lack of sleep

There are many reasons that can make someone sleep deprived. Some people do it because of work, some others because they have insomnia problems, but most people do it because they want to stay up late to hang out with friends, play games, or just watch the television shows they like. The problem is that it is common knowledge that lack of sleep can be harmful to health.

If we sleep for less than 7 or 8 hours every night, the connection between brain cells will be disrupted. In fact, the process of cell regeneration will also be hampered, making this person's function decrease. If we do it often, the risk of developing Alzheimer's or cognitive disorders will also increase.

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2. Rarely socialize

More and more people choose to live alone without socializing with other people. This can make you feel lonely. In fact, according to health experts, if we rarely talk to other people, then the risk of experiencing decreased brain function can increase.

3. Accustomed to doing various things with multitasking

Many people are used to doing multiple things at the same time. For example, some work by playing on their cell phones. Even though it looks like a natural thing to do, this multitasking activity can actually put a very heavy burden on brain performance.

The amount of information that must be processed by the brain can actually make its function decrease. This will make it difficult for us to concentrate, think, and remember. In fact, it could be that we will be more prone to accidents.

Based on a study conducted by experts from the University of London, United States, the fact is that often doing multitasking activities can reduce IQ by up to 15 percent in the future. In fact, the cingulate cortex in the brain, the part that controls empathy, cognitive function, and empathy, can decrease.

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4. Rarely have breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals for the body. If we rarely do it because of busyness, then the risk of experiencing decreased brain function can decrease.

This was revealed from a study conducted in Japan. In a study conducted involving more than 80,000 people over a period of 15 years, it was stated that rarely having breakfast would increase the risk of developing hypertension and stroke. The problem is that both of these problems can cause damage to the brain.

5. Hobby of consuming alcohol

There are still many people who like to consume alcohol for the sake of association. In fact, it is common knowledge that this drink is very bad for health. In fact, based on a study conducted by experts from University College London, it was found that consuming alcohol can trigger hippocampal atrophy, damage to one of the parts of the brain that controls memory.

Health experts also advise us to start limiting our intake of high-sugar foods and not to force ourselves to work when we are sick in order to maintain brain health.


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