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Gout, its characteristics and treatment

Konten [Tampil]

Gout , Characteristics and treatment

Gout or in medical language known as gout is a medical condition in which uric acid metabolism disorders occur in the body. The result is an increase in uric acid levels in the body. Excess uric acid crystals will accumulate in body tissues and cause inflammation (inflammation) in the joints (arthritis).

Chronic (long-term) gout can cause uric acid buildup both in and around the joints. In the end, this can reduce kidney function to form kidney stones


Gout, its characteristics and treatment

Gout Symptoms

Symptoms of gout (gout), which are usually felt by sufferers, heat, redness and swelling of the joints that occur suddenly. The joints that often experience attacks are small joints such as the big toe. Some of the other joints that can be affected are the ankles, knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows.

In acute attacks, sufferers of gout can develop fever and severe pain in the joints that usually last for hours to a day. Over time, gout attacks will occur more frequently and for longer.

Uric acid crystals can form tophi (hard but painless lumps around the joints) outside the joints. Tophi is often found around the fingers as well as on the tips of the elbows and around the big toes. In addition, it can also be found in the ear lobe, achiles tendon (area behind the ankle), and vocal cords (very rare).

Uric acid is a waste that is formed by the body when the body metabolizes substances called purines. Purines can be found in several types of food and beverages, such as in alcohol, liver, meat and seafood.

Gout occurs when uric acid in the body accumulates and is difficult for the body to excrete. When your body produces too much uric acid, what will then happen is a buildup that forms uric acid crystals. The buildup can occur around the joints and kidneys.

Some of the causes of gout are:

a. Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes

b. Have a family history of gout sufferers

c. Kidney disorders

d. Eating foods high in uric acid, such as red meat and seafood

e. Consuming too much alcohol


Gout, its characteristics and treatment

Diagnosis of gout

The process of diagnosing uric acid (gout) is carried out by collecting information about the complaints felt by the sufferer. Furthermore, an examination can be done by looking at the fluid around the joint (synovial fluid). The purpose of this examination is to find the presence of uric acid crystals.

Other tests that can be done are blood tests and urine tests. Through this examination, it can be ascertained if there is an increase in uric acid and uric acid crystals.

The criteria for suspecting gout are the appearance of rapid pain and joint inflammation. This inflammation can move from one joint to another, especially in the joint of the big toe. Complaints of pain will usually disappear after the attack.


Gout, its characteristics and treatment

Gout Treatment

Gout / gout cannot be cured. However, this condition can be controlled through treatment. The complaints felt by gout sufferers will usually disappear within 24 hours after starting gout treatment.

Treatment of gout is generally carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs, the NSAID class, such as ibuprofen or naproxen. This gout drug is generally given to treat severe and sudden attacks to reduce inflammation and pain.

For gout / gout sufferers who cannot use NSAIDs, they will be given corticosteroids, steroids that work to reduce inflammation. Steroids can be injected (injection) directly into the affected joint or taken in pill form. This drug is not used during an acute attack but is used to control the levels of acid

The way you can do to prevent gout / gout is to make changes to your lifestyle to be healthier. You can increase your consumption of foods with balanced nutrition and high fiber. Remember to consume enough water and exercise regularly.


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