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Shocking! Your true nature is based on the phobia you experience

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Your true nature is based on the phobia you experience


Sehat Selalu - A Fobia or phobia is a persistent, exaggerated, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. This condition is a type of anxiety disorder.

Unlike ordinary, temporary anxiety - such as having to speak in public or face a test - phobia is a permanent condition, which causes physical reactions and psychological stress.

Here is your true nature based on your phobia

1. Phobia to Darkness

Phobia to Darkness or it can be called nytophobia, explains that you are the type of person who has an active imagination and tends to be a positive thinker.

Your phobia or fear of the dark is the result of your excessive imagination. Your brain will create scary or scary scenarios when it is dark or there is no light, even though this only keeps you awake / can't sleep longer.

2. phobia / fear of speaking in public

This phobia tends to explain that you are an introvert. This fear is usually called glossophobia. This phobia explains that you actually prefer to be alone with your thoughts, you prefer to keep your social cycle small rather than just playing with lots of friends.

3. Phobia to height

Your true nature is based on the phobia you experience

People who have a phobia of heights or acrophobia are usually very complex people. You like meeting new people, experiencing new experiences and visiting new places, but you feel afraid of being ignored.

You can train yourself not to be too panic in making the decisions and the changes you will make, it should also be simpler.

You may be a complicated person, but don't make your life complicated too, so have fun and make it simple.

4. Phobia Against Crowds

Your true nature is based on the phobia you experience

For those of you who are afraid of crowds, usually people who like to socialize, but you need space  for yourself. You usually don't like people to be too close to you, you are too fast and prefer to distance yourself from conflicts and live according to your own wishes.

Opening up is not easy, but slowly but surely let the people around you get to know the ignorant and deeper.

5. Phobia Alone

Your true nature is based on the phobia you experience

This phobia explains that you are easy-going and like to be the center of attention among your friends. You always have a way to get out of the house and have fun and usually you don't like being single.

The negative things that you also realize when you have this type of fear is that you don't have time to manage time for yourself because you are busy with the arrival of many people in your life.


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